World Unani Day was observed at Inamdar Unani Medical College & Hospital (IUMCH), Kalaburagi, Karnataka, on dated 11th February 2022. The event became memorable by the presence of chief guest Dr.A.S.Rudrawadi (Civil Surgeon, GIMS) and guest of honour Dr.Satish Kumar Patil (Vice Principal, SNI Dental College). This program was presided by Dr.Qamruzzan H. Inamdar (President IREACT) while it was supervised by The Director IUMCH Dr.Nishat A. Inamdar and Principal IUMCH Dr.M.Q.Farooqui. On the occasion, various speeches were given by chief guest, guest of honour, President IREACT, Principal IUMCH and Deputy Superintendent of Hospital. Some of the teaching staff also presented beautiful ppt presentations. The event was managed smoothly by the team of teachers including Dr.N.Imtiyazi, Dr.Filza Iqbal and Dr.Fatima Khan. All the aspects and scopes of Unani System of Medicine were discussed in the program.