A grand program for teacher’s day celebration was organized at Inamdar Unani Medical College and Hospital (IUMCH), Gulbarga, Karnataka. The event was blessed by the presence of Dr. P S Shankar Patil supposed to be the Father of Medicine in Gulbarga who graced the stage as the chief guest. Mr. Ashish Agarwal as the guest of honour enlightened the young budding doctors of Unani Medicine.
On this occasion, an exhibition of projects was presented by BUMS 2nd year students on the topic of food and nutrition, as college was also celebrating National Nutrition Week (1st-7th September).
An award of excellence was given to Dr.N.Imtiyazi (asst. prof. dept. of TST) by the management of the college for her great works in the academics as well other college activities. Various speeches were given by the teachers as well as the students. This program became enlighten by the inspiring speeches of Dr.P.S.Shankar Patil (cheif guest) and Mr.Ashish Agarwal (Guest of Honour). The program successfully concluded with the speeches of Dr.Qamruzzaman Inamdar (President IREACT), Dr.Nishat Afreen Inamdar (Director IUMCH) and Dr.Qamqamuddin Farooqui (Principal IUMCH).