Inamdar Unani Medical College and Hospital (IUMCH), Kalaburagi, Karnataka, organized an educational visit to the Nandini Milk Pausterization Plant, Kalaburagi, Karnataka on dated 06/12/1/2021. This visit was arranged for 2nd year BUMS students as it is a part of their Tahaffuzi wa Samaji Tib syllabus. This educational visit held under the supervision of the subject teacher Dr.N.Imtiyazi. Students were also accompanied by a faculty member Dr.Filza Eqbal of same department. The educational visit was very informative for the students. The staffs of Milk Pausterization Plant were very kind and humble, they explained everything to the students very well. On the behalf of IUMCH, our Principal sir expressed the gratitude towards their hospitality by a letter of appreciation.